Saturday, January 5, 2013

You've Got to Move It!

One of the small changes that I've incorporated into my new life of fitness is just moving more.  Living a sedentary lifestyle can become a big problem over time and I recognized that I was just not moving my body enough.  Working out is ultimately an activity that one should make time for on a regular basis, but I'm not even talking about working out.  I'm talking about just living everyday life with what should be "normal" activity.

I used pray for parking spaces at the mall that were close to the door and drive up and down lanes until I got one that was maybe one or two spaces over from the handicap parking.  Ridiculous!  That's just plain lazy.  But I know I'm not the only one guilty of that.  But now, I park in spaces that allow me to walk farther, thus more exercise.  When I have the option of taking the stairs versus the elevator, I use the stairs.  In my youth, I remember how I kept weight off...moving all the time.  I was involved in modern dance, basketball, gymnastics, roller skating, bike riding, and walking to the store several times a day with my friends.  Now I drive everywhere, sit at my desk at work and even now, I'm sitting down to write this blog.  I'm not going to give up my car, quit my job or stop using my computer, so I have to look for opportunities to move my body.  Our society is moving towards convenience and technology at a rapid pace.  However, just because something is more convenient, doesn't make it better for you.

Last year for a period of time I used a pedometer.  I began to monitor how many steps a day I was taking.  The goal was 10,000 steps a day, but rarely did I actually make more than 8,000 steps.  On average, I racked up between 4,000 and 6,000 steps a day - which isn't nearly enough to be considered active.  So with that knowledge, I began to make minor changes and walk to nearby places instead of drive. Just like with keeping a food diary, the pedometer is just one inexpensive way to gauge your activity. So, as soon as I finish writing this blog, I'm going to get it moving!  I hope you join me.


  1. nice! i saw a pedometer today, i'm going back to buy it.

    1. Cool! I forgot to mention that some activities that don't register on pedometers can be converted into steps. For example lifting weights, riding a bike or swimming can all be converted and count towards your daily steps. When I find the info, I'll post it.

  2. I'm with you, Kim! I start my eating healthy plan tomorrow! (Today I get to eat pizza and cake.... heh heh)

    1. Yay! Meemee, I'm glad you're joining us! Pizza and cake do sound yummy and is fine in moderation. I'd love for you to share your healthy eating plan.
